1 Azure vs AWS
The main differences in this article is that I’m using Azure to instantiate a single node HDP sandbox (for training) and I’m using AWS to instantiate a reale multi-node cluster (for real use cases). But you may also instantiate a real cluster using Azure.
2 Amazon AWS
Overview : https://fr.hortonworks.com/blog/quickly-launch-hortonworks-data-platform-amazon-web-services/
Procedure : http://hortonworks.github.io/hdp-aws/
2.1 Subscribe to HDP services and Controller Services
2.1.1 Hortonworks Data Cloud - Controller Service
Controller Service will let you instantiate AMI (Amazon Machine Image) Subscribe to Controller Services
2.1.2 Hortonworks Data Cloud - HDP Services
The HDP services subscription will make the HDP AMI available Subscribe to HDP Services
In the following steps, be sure to select the same region on the top right corner.
First of all, you need to generate a key pair : Generate my key pair
Once you have subscribed to both these services and generated the key pair you may:
- Get back to your “Controller service” Get back to Controller Service and click on “Launch with CloudFormation Console”
- Fill in the email field and keep the default options. Concerning the “remote access” you may input to permit access to the cluster from any IP address.
- Passer la page option
Puis cliquer sur “Create” => La création du “Controller Service” peut prendre jusqu’à 15 min
- Une fois crée, on clique sur output en bas de page et on récupère le lien pour accéder à l’interface du controller service.
Ensuite on clique sur “Create Cluster”, on nomme notre cluster : plus d’infos sur les conf ici http://hortonworks.github.io/hdp-aws/create/index.html
J’ai sauvegardé un template qu’il est possibde de dupliquer désormais.
2.2 Utilisation du clsuter
accéder à https://aws.amazon.com/fr/ Mon compte > AWS Mangaement Console Se loguer Cliquer sur Service en haut à gauche puis cliquer sur EC2 piur arriver sur la liste de mes instances EC2 Cliquer sur CloudForamtion pour arriver sur la liste de mes clusters et de mes instance “Controller service” => En cochant sur la ligne Controller Service puis sur “Sorties” en bas de page je retrouve l’URL d’accès à mon “controller service” pour instancier de nouveaux cluster ou accéder aux clusters existants =>En cliquant sur le bloc de mon cluster j’obtiens la lisre des urls de mes noeuds et aussi les commandes SSH pour s’y connecter en ssh => En cochant sur le cluster puis sur “Sorties” j’obtiens l’URL d’ambari
Pour créer un nouveau cluter Cliquer sur “Create cluster” à patir de ma page “Controller service” Sélectionner le template Sélectionner un mot de passe admin Mettre un email pour recevoir la confirmation de création
2.3 Billing
Check your detailed reports Check your detailed bill
3.1 Creating your virtual machine
Prerequisities : You needd to have a Micrsoft account (Outlook/Hotmail)
Official procedure available here
Go to to HortonWorks product in Azure’s Marketplace
Create a new service “HDP Sandbox 2.5” using the button on the bottom of the page and fill in the form:
- Name your service (ex: MySandbox)
- Select SSD disk type
- You may choose 2 types of authentication system (public/private key vs login/password). You should enter your local system username
- Name your resource group (ex: MySandbox)
- Validate the form
Select your machine type : Standard DS11 v2
Validate the Network step without any modification
Once your cluster is created, it will be displayed on your home page
In order to connect to your machine, you need to create a ssh funnel. You need to edit your own ./.ssh/config file and enter the public IP of your sandbox in the 4th line et your login in the 3rd line.
Host azureSandbox
Port 22
User jajab
LocalForward 8080
LocalForward 8888
LocalForward 9995
LocalForward 9996
LocalForward 8886
LocalForward 10500
LocalForward 4200
LocalForward 2222
You may then connect to the your Sandbox
ssh azureSandbox
Once conected you may access the home page of your sandbox using http://localhost:8888
3.2 Creating an image of your virtual machine
Source : Step-by-Step: Templating VMs in the Cloud with Windows Azure
You should ssh to your machine and run the following commands :
sudo su –
waagent –force –deprovision
export HISTSIZE=0
shutdown –h now
Once your machine is stopped on windows Azure interface, you may capture your machine image.
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