You may run docker containers on your host or on VMs that are running on your hosts. In this article we will run our springboot application in a docker container that is running on a VM. This VM will run on virtualBox and will be managed by docker-machine.
Youy may want to read the previous article: Hello Docker Macos Host
1. Install Docker and VirtualBox
1.1 Install Docker
Download from
1.2 Install VirtualBox
brew cask install virtualbox
2. Instantiate virtual machines with docker-machine (needs VirtualBox installation)
Create a VM called machine1
brew install docker-machine
docker-machine create machine1
docker-machine ls
docker-machine ip machine1
docker-machine ssh machine1
3. Run your springboot application in a container on that new VM
Set your environment to let docker run its containers on that new VM
eval $(docker-machine env machine1)
Run an image into a container on machine1
docker run -p 4000:8080 legabz/hellokube:swagger
List the containers running on machine1
docker ps
Stop machine1
docker-machine stop machine1