1. Introduction
- Data is stored in a schema-less JSON docmuents -> You do not need to define fieds and types before your insert data
- Near-real-time since it’s a cluster. An update or an insert must be propagated througout the cluster
- Written in Java -> cross platform
We communicate with ES via its REST API (curl)
curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/person/employee/123
2. Terminology
2.1 Index
- A collection of documents (product, account, movie). Each of these elements are a type .
- Similar to a database within a RDBMS
- Identified by names (lowercase)
- Can define as many indexes you want (but most peoaple will have a few of them)
2.2 Type
- Represents a class/category of simlar documents (product, account, movie)
- Consists of a name and a mapping (explained later)
- Similar to a table within a RDBMS
- An index can have one or more types defined, each with their own mapping
- stored within a metadata field named _type -> Searching for specific documents types applies a filter on this field
2.3 Mapping
- Similar to a database schema for a table in RDBMS
- Describes the data type of fields that a document of a given type may have + information on how fields should be indexed and stored
- Defining a mapping is optional (Dynamic mapping)
2.4 Document
- A basic unit of information that can be indexed
- Consists of fields, which are key/value pairs. A value can be a string, date, object…
- Corresponds to an object in OOP
- Documents are expressed in JSON
- Similar to a raw in RDBMS
An index contains documents which have types. Types are defined by mappings.
2.5 Shards
- An index can be devided intpo multiple pieces called shards -> Useful when an index contains more data than the hardwware of a node can store
- A shard is a fully functional and independant index
- The number of shards can be specified when creating an index (default = 5)
- Allows to scale horizontally
- Allows to distribute and parallelize operations across shards -> Increaes performance
2.6 Replicas
- A replica is a copy of a shard (default = 1 )
- Provides High Availability in case a shard or node fails
- Allows scaling search volume, because search queries can be executed on all replicas
3. Creating/Deleting an Index
List all indexes
curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v
Create in index
curl -X PUT http://localhost:9200/ecommerce -d '{ }'
Note: If you insert a document without defining an index, ES will automatically create an index.
Delete in index”
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:9200/ecommerce
Adding mappings
curl -X PUT http://localhost:9200/ecommerce -d '
"mappings": {
"product": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"price": {
"type": "double"
"description": {
"type": "string"
"status": {
"type": "string"
"quantity": {
"type": "integer"
"categories": {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"tags": {
"type": "string"
Note: We cannot add mappings to existing Data.
4. Documents
4.1 Adding documents
curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/1001 -d '
"name": "Zend framework",
"price": 30.00,
"description": "Learn Zend framwork infew hours",
"status": "active",
"quantity": 1,
"categories": [
{ "name": "Software"}
"tags": ["zendframework", "php", "progeamming", "zd2"]
Note: Providing an ID is optional. If not provided ES will generate an ID
4.2 Replacing documents
Replacing documents is done with the same request as adding a document when specifying the ID.
curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/1001 -d '
"name": "Zend framework 2",
"price": **40.00**,
"description": "Learn Zend framwork infew hours",
"status": "active",
"quantity": 1,
"categories": [
{ "name": "Software"}
"tags": ["zendframework", "php", "progeamming", "zd2"]
4.3 Updating documents
Updating a doucment lets you add/remove or modify a single field without providing all the information as when we replaced the document.
curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/1001/_update -d '
"doc": {
"price": 50.00
4.4 Deleting documents
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/1001
Note: Basically, we may only delete documents by ID but there is plugin “DeleteByQuery” that lets you delete by query.
4.5 Requesting a document
curl http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/1003
5. Batch processing
Batch processing with bulk limits the amount of network overhead as it will need a unique network round trip.
You need to edit a file with the content of your bulk : vi ./requests
{"name": "Zendtest framework","price": 40.00,"description": "Leran Zend framwork infew hours","status": "active","quantity": 1,"categories": [{ "name": "Software"}],"tags": ["zendframework", "php", "progeamming", "zd2"]}
{"name": "Zendtest2 framework","price": 40.00,"description": "Leran Zend framwork infew hours","status": "active","quantity": 1,"categories": [{ "name": "Software"}],"tags": ["zendframework", "php", "progeamming", "zd2"]}
And then call the _bulk API with reference to your file
curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/_bulk --data-binary "@requests"
You may also DELETE or UPDATE documents using the _bulk API
{ "delete":{"_id":"1002" } }
{ "update":{"_id":"1003" } }
{ "doc": { "quantity" : 33 } }
Note: If you need to bulk actions on several type or indexes you may omit them in the API call and specify them in your jsons
curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/_bulk --data-binary "@requests"
{ "update":{"_id":"1003", "_index" : "ecommerce", "_type" : "product" } }
{ "doc": { "quantity" : 33 } }
Note: If an action fails, the remaining actions will still be executed. We have an action in the returned json wich lets us identify the errors.
6. Searching with Elastic
6.1. Relevancy & Scoring
- A score is calculated for each documents that matches a query (This higher the score, the more relevant the document is)
- Queries in query context affect the scores of matching documents (How well does the document match ?)
- Queries in filter context do not affect the scores of matching documents (Does the docuiment match ?)
6.2. Query String
- Used for simple queries.
All fields are searched.
curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/_search?q=pasta
You may specify a field
curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/_search?q=name:pasta
6.3. Query DSL
- Search by defining queries within the request body JSON
- Supports more features than the query string approach
curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/_search -d '
"query": {
"match": {
"name": zend
You may add some logical operators
curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/_search -d '
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "(name:Zendtest2 AND description:Learn)"
Adding a “+” or a “-“ before a statement means that the word must or must not be present
curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/product/_search -d '
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "+name:Zendtest2 +name:Zendtest2"
More query types : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-query-string-query.html
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